Sociedade Digital


Paulo Falcão Alves
Universidade do Algarve
Regina Correia Valente
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP)


During the first decades of the 21st century, the new information societies evolved in a frenetic and globalized way. We now live in a time where everything is done on the basis of interconnection and constant sharing, a global village without borders, where tradition is reconverted into new practices and customs, questioned and transformed according to each person's ideals and values.
Technology has become part of our daily lives, through which we share our dreams and anxieties, exchanging old sensory experiences for distant and incomplete relationships, while gradually witnessing the decline of our multiplicity in favor of a solitary singularity.
This new paradigm of individualization is gradually leading us towards a homogeneous world in which differences tend to be seen as intolerable and divergent voices stifled by a frenetic society with no time for reflection, based on the exploitation of privacy, of the intimate, freely feeding technological industries such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Amazon which, together with the great political powers, are kidnapping our souls without us even realizing it.

ISBN: 978-989-99273-6-0

Author Biographies

Paulo Falcão Alves, Universidade do Algarve

He has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Fernando Pessoa University, in the Advertising variant, a master's degree in Communication Sciences from the Fernando Pessoa University in the Advertising Communication variant and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho in the Sociology of Communication and Information variant. He is deputy director of the Degree in Communication Sciences at the School of Education and Communication (ESEC) of the University of the Algarve, guest professor at the University of São José de Macau and collaborating researcher at CIAC - Center for Research in Arts and Communication.

Regina Correia Valente, Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP)

Graduated in Portuguese-English teaching from the University of Évora (1998), she taught English until 2005, when she began working as a trainer in the Units of Competence - Language and Communication, Citizenship and Employability and Culture, Language and Communication at the Faro Vocational Training Service - Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP). In 2008 she joined the staff of the same institute, working as a senior technician and coordinator of actions in a wide range of professional areas. Currently Coordinator of the Management and Qualification Unit of the Faro Vocational Training Service at the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP).

Francisco Baptista Gil

He has a PhD in Visual Arts from the University of Seville, Spain (2006), and has carried out post-doctoral research stays at the University of Huelva, the University of Cádiz and the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Editor-in-Chief of RMd-RevistaMultidisciplinar, he has experience in the field of Visual Communication, working mainly on the following subjects: artistic expressions and cultural heritage.


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11 December 2022


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