Open Monograph Press
edita: [NMd] Núcleo Multidisciplinar
E-mail: edit@nmdsite.com
Trying to understand how the identity of a visual arts teacher is constructed, what they should teach and how they should teach, we found some answers that point to the influence of the reproduction of educational models. The different cultural realities, practices and ideological foundations at different times in history have established ideals about the value of the visual arts and education, which end up shaping the teacher's performance today.
ISBN: 978-989-35305-1-1
He has a PhD in Visual Arts from the University of Seville, Spain (2006), and has carried out post-doctoral research stays at the University of Huelva, the University of Cádiz and the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Editor-in-Chief of RMd-RevistaMultidisciplinar, he has experience in the field of Visual Communication, working mainly on the following subjects: artistic expressions and cultural heritage.
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Open Monograph Press
edita: [NMd] Núcleo Multidisciplinar
E-mail: edit@nmdsite.com